I have a Macan at home and I'm considering getting this one. Is the reputation of this car similar to the Macan? Are they both considered relatively affordable luxury cars? Do you recommend buying it? 🙏
Comments( 9 )
حسين ابيض2023-09-03 14:49
Not necessary.
نايف بلال2023-09-02 00:19
Technologically immature
عبدالرحمن هشام2023-09-01 01:06
It's not recommended. The Curry doesn't have the Ferrari-made engine anymore, and the sound is disappointing. It's no longer associated with luxury, yet it's still selling at that price, which is just too much. 😬
أحمد خدي2023-08-31 19:56
To be honest, the Macan looks better and more coordinated. In other aspects, the Cayenne is slightly better.
عمر لحود2023-08-31 18:50
What's the problem?
حسين سالم2023-08-31 12:16
Isn't it better to buy a new X5 at this price...?
11 replies
عمر ياسر2023-08-31 10:49
There's no need, unless you want to switch to a different brand.
عبد العزيز فريدة2023-08-30 21:57
I'm a bit curious, why do you switch to a similar type or even a competitor's model?
1 replies
محمد حسن2023-08-30 17:04
The functions and positioning are actually similar, but it outperforms the Macan in all aspects.