سلمان رحمن
2024-11-21 22:56

With two kids at home, how should I choose between the GWM L8 and the Li Auto L8?

Comments( 10 )

حسين جل
حسين جل2024-11-28 15:00
Will there still be "Li Xiang" in 10 years?
خالد تكريتي
خالد تكريتي2024-11-28 12:11
Definitely going for the Li Auto. It's safe, comfortable, and prestigious. The big screen is a hit with the whole family.
عبدالله رشيد
عبدالله رشيد2024-11-27 08:09
If you have two kids, don't buy Li Auto.
1 replies
عمر ثمين
عمر ثمين2024-11-24 10:46
At what age should you consider buying an MPV for your child? It's recommended when they start elementary school. This way, you can drop them off in the morning without having to get out to open the car door.
عبد العزيز لحود
عبد العزيز لحود2024-11-22 18:55
Is asking this way suggesting that the budget for the Li Auto L8 is not enough?
3 replies
علي عرفات
علي عرفات2024-11-22 14:56
If your children are still young, you might want to choose the Li Auto. It comes with features like a fridge, TV, and big sofa, plus it has a camping mode, making it more fun and comfortable for outings. For someone like me, whose children are older and in middle school, I prefer a more standard Toyota, focusing on space and reliability.
1 replies
سعود حافظ
سعود حافظ2024-11-22 13:49
Do you have a lot of money, and how many years do you plan to drive the car? If you have plenty of money and only plan to drive for 5 or 6 years, then consider buying a Li Auto.
8 replies
حسن مصطفى
حسن مصطفى2024-11-22 13:34
Recommend GWM; do not recommend Lifan.
سامر سلمان
سامر سلمان2024-11-22 12:08
Definitely going for the Li Auto! It comes with a fridge, TV, and a big sofa—just love it. Much better than those old models. I bought the Graevia.
فهد محملة
فهد محملة2024-11-22 08:28
I recommend you to consider Li Auto [Take a look] [Take a look]. If it were me, I would buy GWM Gravion.
1 replies