Hey everyone, I've been thinking about getting a used Grand Cherokee and I'm torn between the 3.6 and the 3.0 models. I'm particularly concerned about the fuel consumption of the 3.6. Could fellow Jeep enthusiasts share some insights on the fuel consumption difference between these two engines? Thanks!
Comments( 17 )
عبدالله نادر2024-08-11 06:51
My 3.0 has a fuel consumption of around 9 on the highway and about 11 in the city, not high at all.
سلمان فؤاد2024-08-08 06:28
The 3.6 must be chosen. With the same vehicle weight, the 3.0 accelerates slower and has the same or even higher fuel consumption. The 3.6 coasts a long distance with just a tap, and this car coasts very smoothly, with the engine braking not being very noticeable.
عبد العزيز خليف2024-08-04 14:38
Does this car have a lot of issues? I'm considering buying a used one.
سعود مرشد2024-07-26 19:08
I have a 3.0 Grand Cherokee Elite Navigation Edition. It consumes about 11 to 12.8 liters of fuel, with a minimum of 8.3 on the highway. I find it sufficient and it's very smooth to drive between 108 to 116 km/h on the highway.
أحمد طارق2024-07-26 14:57
I have a 3.0 Premium.
عبدالله مرشد2024-07-25 20:50
My car is a 3.0, and my friend's is a 3.6. There's not much difference in fuel economy... maybe just 1. The fuel consumption of this car mainly depends on whether you modify it or not.
فهد شهيد2024-07-11 00:20
The fuel consumption of 3.6 is not high.
محمد كلثوم2024-07-06 23:52
Buy the 3.6, no need to think twice.
عبدالرحمن عباد2024-05-28 15:32
It must be the 3.6.
أسامة سلمان2024-05-25 09:13
No need to think about it, just go for the 3.6. The 3.0 uses more fuel in the city than the 3.6. I have the 3.6, and my friend has the 3.0. Even though the engine size only differs by 0.6, the driving experience is quite different.