Can a post-2017 3.6 Cherokee with high mileage (like over 100,000 km) still be a good purchase?
Comments( 3 )
أحمد سهيل2024-05-11 19:46
This year's 17 models have run 130,000 kilometers, which is theoretically normal. The performance of the engine and transmission is at its peak, but it really depends on the condition of the car. With used cars, each has its own condition, so you can't generalize; you have to analyze each one specifically. If you like it and can accept the common issues and maintenance costs of a Grand Cherokee, then you can go for it. But if it's purely for family use, I sincerely wouldn't recommend it.
1 replies
عبدالله رامي2024-05-07 08:19
The main thing is to check if the engine or transmission has undergone major repairs. If it has, then definitely pass on it.
2 replies
عبدالله ليث2024-05-06 17:24
Considering the car's condition, a hundred thousand isn't much.