How do you guys drive into underground parking lots? I bought a car and realized it scrapes the bottom when I go down. 😢
Comments( 4 )
محمد عبد الوهاب2023-12-03 15:39
Maybe you can try entering the garage at an angle? [I need some peace]
عبدالله مكرم2023-12-03 13:01
Basically, 50% of the underground garages are inaccessible, so I have to park on the surface every day. There's nothing I can do about it.
1 replies
خالد نايف2023-11-25 15:06
You'll get used to it after a few more scrapes [grin].
فهد قابوس2023-11-24 23:02
I probably scratched the fender. Before buying the car, I rented one to test both my home and office garages, haha. If the garage is really too tight, I'll just have to park above ground.