حسن عبيد
2024-10-30 15:06

Why does my 2022 model always show low battery? Do I need to replace the battery? 😭

Comments( 4 )

اسماعيل عبد العزيز
اسماعيل عبد العزيز2024-11-06 20:28
Just start the engine and leave it running for an hour without touching anything, and that's it.
نايف حبيب
نايف حبيب2024-11-02 15:52
Me too, no matter what, I just want some peace and quiet.
عبدالله بكر
عبدالله بكر2024-11-02 11:27
Just start it and let it run to charge, no need to replace the battery.
فهد جابر
فهد جابر2024-10-31 23:47
Yes, the battery failed after a few days! Mine kept giving warnings but started without issues, and then suddenly, about a week later, it wouldn't start. [I just want some peace]