Does your car have the issue where continuous driving over dashed lines causes high-frequency vibrations to be transmitted to the steering wheel? I'm a bit disappointed that this kind of problem occurs.
Comments( 5 )
علي فرج2024-11-03 02:52
This is the Lane Keeping Alert.
فهد نوري2024-11-02 18:57
That's caused by the lane-keeping feature. Just press and hold to turn it off.
عبدالله ممدوح2024-11-02 18:54
If you turn off the lane-keeping warning, it will be gone.
1 replies
عبدالله مجدي2024-11-02 17:38
It feels like a lane keeping alert to me.
4 replies
عمر زاهر2024-11-02 17:25
The current tire pressure is 3.0, but it shouldn't be a big issue, right? My previous car didn't have this problem either. The chassis had some vibration feedback, but the steering wheel didn't shake.