حسين نعمان
2021-01-07 23:16

Can the third-row seats be modified to lay flat? Where can this modification be done?

Comments( 3 )

سلمان مراد
سلمان مراد2021-01-09 10:29
This Tianjin Port should be fine, right?
أحمد خلف
أحمد خلف2021-01-08 09:07
You can convert it into a camper van; it's spacious and legal. Great for both traveling and hauling cargo.
أحمد خلف
أحمد خلف2021-01-08 09:05
Car enthusiasts suggest that you don't need to flatten the third row. Just keep the backrest in its original position, and as long as there are seat belts, you can pass the annual inspection. The space will be larger and looks great!
3 replies