عبد العزيز فريد
2024-10-11 16:48

Can the Eyesight cruise control automatically move forward after stopping? Why didn't my car move after the car in front of me started moving the other day?

Comments( 4 )

سلمان أمين
سلمان أمين2024-10-12 00:40
It will prompt when the car in front starts, indicating that you need to accelerate to continue automatic following.
محمد شعيب
محمد شعيب2024-10-11 21:29
Once the car stops, it definitely won't move. [I need some peace]
4 replies
منصور أحمد
منصور أحمد2024-10-11 20:29
It can do automatic following.
4 replies
محمد أشرف
محمد أشرف2024-10-11 19:08
You need to press the accelerator to move.
1 replies