سعود صباح
2021-02-27 00:04
Will there be mechanical noise when the FJ Cruiser climbs with the rear lock engaged? And will there also be mechanical noise when using the crawl mode for getting unstuck?
Comments( 7 )
عبدالله عدي2022-05-12 19:15
It seems like you haven't provided any content for translation. If you have a specific text related to the automotive industry or any other content that needs translation from Chinese to English, please share it here, and I'll be glad to help!
عبدالله عدي2022-02-20 21:40
Almost none.
حسين سلطان2021-02-28 17:21
There is a noise when creeping starts, but it stops after the lock is engaged.
2 replies
عبدالله داود2021-02-28 07:24
Not found.
حسين قنصوح2021-02-27 15:49
You need to check if the gear drive shaft's gear ratio is incorrect.
نور دين عبد العزيز2021-02-27 09:26
It's normal to hear unusual noises during off-roading, which can come from the body twisting, bumps, scrapes, or tire slippage. However, generally, the differential lock shouldn't make any noise.
نايف منذر2021-02-27 03:06
Under normal circumstances, a car shouldn't make the kind of mechanical noise you're describing. It's likely that the drivetrain might be slipping.