عمر همام
2024-10-05 16:12
Do you use fully synthetic or semi-synthetic oil for your 10,000 km oil change?
Comments( 11 )
علي مك2024-11-07 11:56
It depends on how often you need maintenance. I usually drive about 5,000 km every three months, so I go for maintenance once. That's why I use semi-synthetic oil. If you drive less than 10,000 km a year, you should go for fully synthetic oil.
محمد فهد2024-10-18 08:36
Semi-synthetic is fine.

سعيد عمر2024-10-17 19:50
Fully synthetic, change once a year.
حسين زياد2024-10-17 12:28
I usually use a lot of electricity, and after driving 10,000 kilometers for maintenance, the 4S dealership said the engine oil is still pretty good.
حسين زياد2024-10-17 12:27
Use full synthetic oil to save on labor costs.
فهد طيب2024-10-16 15:54
I used semi-synthetic oil for the first two times. For the third maintenance, there was a promotional event, and I paid a bit extra to switch to full synthetic. I didn't really notice any difference; the power and fuel economy feel the same. [I want to be alone]
سلمان باهر2024-10-08 21:47
The gift provided is semi-synthetic.
حسن مجيد2024-10-07 20:14
Free semi-synthetic oil is always given, let's talk about it, 5,000 km.
سعود ربيع2024-10-07 11:28
Does the hybrid Yingku need 4 liters or 4.5 liters [I want to be alone]?
سلمان ميثا2024-10-06 01:58
Full synthetic