Which car is more suitable for daily use compared to the base model of the 911?
Comments( 6 )
سلمان كلثوم2023-11-29 09:59
If you're talking about carrying stuff, the 911 is more suitable. The 911 is a 2+2, and the latest 911 models, particularly the Carrera, aren't really the pinpoint combat types. Let's just talk about the Carrera, not the other 911 variants.
نايف حكيم2023-11-04 14:09
I've only driven the 718, and it's more comfortable and softer than the 120.
2 replies
عبد العزيز صباح2023-10-31 16:04
I've driven both cars, and I feel that the suspension of the 911 is a bit stiff.
عبدالله مأمون2023-10-30 06:44
The 911 is probably more comfortable for everyday driving. 😄😄😄
خالد آسيا2023-10-29 22:33
Generally, a household has at least two cars: a 6-seater SUV or MPV for family use, and a two-door sports car for personal use.
4 replies
أحمد فخرو2023-10-29 20:31
If you have already bought this car, then you're unlikely to be short on cash for a household one.