Is it convenient to drive this car into an underground garage? Would it be uncomfortable on steep slopes? Does it have adjustable suspension?
Comments( 4 )
سلمان كلثوم2023-11-29 10:12
This car is also short, but its chassis isn't low. My 86 is 3 cm lower than the Emira and it doesn't scrape. Of course, that's assuming the parking garage isn't too old. Most mall parking garages are fine.
1 replies
سلمان كلثوم2023-11-29 09:44
If you use the original shock absorbers, you won't scrape in normal parking garages. Only in very old parking garages might you scrape.
عبدالله مأمون2023-11-25 21:09
I saw a blogger on Bilibili who modified an air suspension [grin][grin][grin]
2 replies
علي مصطفى2023-11-25 14:19
It's okay, the chassis height isn't that low, and this one doesn't have chassis lifting.