How long does it usually take to get the car after ordering? Is it really that delayed? [facepalm]
Comments( 6 )
نايف حكيم2023-11-04 14:06
I waited for two years. [smile]
2 replies
حسين ستار2023-10-21 21:11
The salesperson said it would be around the first quarter of next year.
إدريس حسين2023-10-21 11:08
Half a year
عبد العزيز ماجد2023-10-19 17:10
There are cars in stock.
علي مصطفى2023-10-12 20:37
Currently, it's around half a year.
عبدالله مأمون2023-09-24 03:11
If you order now, you probably won't have to wait as long as before. Those who ordered as early as 2021 only received their delivery this year. [Feeling speechless] [Feeling speechless]