Choosing between the R+ and S+ can be quite a dilemma, especially in a second-tier city without a race track and if you don’t drive aggressively. You were initially considering the S+, but many people suggest going for the R+ or not buying at all. The significant improvement in 0-100 km/h acceleration is indeed tempting, but the price difference of 200,000 is quite substantial. It’s understandable that you’re feeling conflicted.
Comments( 7 )
ثاني أحمد2023-10-03 19:01
r+, no room for regrets.
يوسف عبدالرحمن2023-09-28 23:20
If you're considering the brand Lotus, go for the R+ for pure experience. If you want to buy, go for the S+.
حسين نواف2023-09-28 15:15
I'm confused. I don't have enough money, even for the cheaper option.
نايف عثمان2023-09-27 15:42
It's not just about that 200,000; it's the 100 km range difference. Don't just follow the crowd and buy the R+. Think about whether you really need that 2.9-second speed. What are you going to use it for? When will you use it? How often? The extra 100 km of range is something tangible!
2 replies
سعود حمد2023-09-27 11:11
If you're driving in the city, it's advisable to wait for the standard version to be released. You could save around a hundred to two hundred thousand.
عبدالرحمن حسين2023-09-26 11:56
Wait for the base model to be released before buying.
1 replies
حسن عبد الغفار2023-09-22 08:12
If you buy a Lotus, go for the R. If it's a car, go for the S.