What's the actual fuel consumption of the Eclipse Cross in the city, folks? Please help!
Comments( 11 )
عمر قاسم2024-04-17 07:05
Why is everyone else's so low? I've driven over 36,000 kilometers and my average fuel consumption has never been below 10.2.
علي شهيد2024-04-16 13:24
8 liters per 100 km on the highway (tested over 3400 km), 12 liters per 100 km in the city.
محمد حاتم2024-04-14 08:09
Why does my car consume 12 liters of fuel in the city with 2WD, but around 7.8 liters on highways and national roads without using the eco mode?
نايف خليف2024-03-26 23:30
When I drive long distances on the highway, it consumes about 8 liters per 100 kilometers 😬. I feel like this car is most fuel-efficient between speeds of 60 to 80 km/h.
سلمان طائي2024-02-21 15:22
Normal 8.2
عمر نعيم2024-02-21 09:50
If you're concerned about the higher fuel consumption of the four-wheel drive, it's recommended to go for the two-wheel drive version.
عبدالله طه2024-02-12 16:39
I've driven 3000 kilometers. It's about 7.2 L/100km below 1500 RPM, 8.5 L/100km around 2000 RPM, and 6.5 L/100km around 1200 RPM. Speeds of 50-60 km/h are the most fuel-efficient.
عمر لاويل2024-01-21 07:13
Around 8 liters, fuel consumption increases in snowy winter conditions.
نعمان أحمد2023-11-09 13:42
My 4WD's fuel consumption in the city has never been below 12.
6 replies
نايف فاطمة2019-03-07 00:16
On the highway, it's about 0.48, and in the city, it's around 0.68.