علي أمير
2024-04-11 19:08

Does the Eclipse Cross need a transmission oil change after 20,000 kilometers and four years? Thanks.

Comments( 4 )

خالد عبد المجيد
خالد عبد المجيد2024-04-29 16:02
No need to change it immediately. You can replace it around 40,000 to 50,000 kilometers when you have the time, even 60,000 is fine if you drive gently.
نايف مراد
نايف مراد2024-04-27 19:50
It's almost 20,000 kilometers, just went to the 4S shop for maintenance and they didn't mention a change!
أسامة خالد
أسامة خالد2024-04-27 00:08
You need to replace it after 20,000.
علي شادي
علي شادي2024-04-12 12:10
Based on a mileage of 40,000.