علي أمير
2024-04-11 19:08
Does the Eclipse Cross need a transmission oil change after 20,000 kilometers and four years? Thanks.
Comments( 4 )
خالد عبد المجيد2024-04-29 16:02
No need to change it immediately. You can replace it around 40,000 to 50,000 kilometers when you have the time, even 60,000 is fine if you drive gently.
نايف مراد2024-04-27 19:50
It's almost 20,000 kilometers, just went to the 4S shop for maintenance and they didn't mention a change!
أسامة خالد2024-04-27 00:08
You need to replace it after 20,000.
علي شادي2024-04-12 12:10
Based on a mileage of 40,000.