Hey everyone, should I choose the 1.4 or 1.5 for the Yidong? I've seen many people say that the 1.5's car system often crashes. But the 1.5's air conditioning and everything are controlled through the central touchscreen. What should I do if it often crashes?
Comments( 6 )
عبدالرحمن هاماوي2024-12-04 14:15
How's the fuel economy?
سلمان عرفات2024-12-04 13:17
The glitch doesn't affect the engine operation. Personally, I still think the 1.5 looks better. [I want some peace]
سلمان عامر2024-12-04 12:20
[Smile] In the groups I'm currently in, the crash situation for version 1.4 is higher than for version 1.5.
فهد هادي2024-12-04 11:42
1.4 often crashes.
2 replies
نايف حافظ2024-12-04 09:48
Each has its own merits. For appearance, choose the 1.5; for practicality, go with the 1.4.
عبدالله مبارك2024-12-04 03:08
The exterior is definitely 1.5 (also relatively large), and the interior of the 1.4 has buttons that look quite nice.