علي أسماء
2024-11-29 11:36

Guys, my car tire got punctured by a nail and it's leaking air. I patched it up. Is it okay to drive on the highway, or do I need to replace the tire?

Comments( 6 )

علي بكر
علي بكر2024-12-05 06:54
It's not worth changing the side for no reason, just wasting money.
محمد بشر
محمد بشر2024-11-30 09:37
Repaired the tire three times, only then do I feel uneasy on the highway! Just a light rain!
1 replies
سلمان زبير
سلمان زبير2024-11-29 22:41
If the tread is punctured, using a mushroom plug to repair it is fine, even a patch will do. But if it's the sidewall or the shoulder that's punctured, you need to do a hot patch; if a hot patch isn't possible, you need to replace the tire. 😅
2 replies
عبدالرحمن محمود
عبدالرحمن محمود2024-11-29 17:50
Do I need to replace the tire just because of a puncture repair?
1 replies
سلمان عوض
سلمان عوض2024-11-29 12:47
It's recommended to change it. Life is important, don't risk it just to save a couple of hundred. 😊
1 replies
حسين هشام
حسين هشام2024-11-29 11:58
Maybe we should switch to another one. On the highway, one accident and both the car and people are in trouble. Safety is the most important thing. [I want to be alone]