Hey guys, I keep seeing on TikTok that the new Defender's price has dropped significantly with big discounts. Is this true or just marketing hype? If I buy now, will there be even bigger discounts later? Thanks, guys! Also looking for a 120k+ discount, with equal principal and interest, no penalty for early repayment, and the option to transfer at the dealership.
Comments( 8 )
علي حكم2024-11-26 21:30
Discount of 14, loan 60, equal principal and interest, 2 years, 57,600 interest.
1 replies
سعود خلوق2024-11-25 12:00
The end of the year is never the best time to buy a car.
نايف وحيد2024-10-31 03:49
What's the price you guys negotiated for the 90-2.0 entry-level model? I'm considering a loan.
عمر زايد2024-10-30 22:18
Prices will always gradually decrease since they are consumables. So, how long do you have to wait? If you like it, go for it. The sooner you buy, the sooner you enjoy.
عبد العزيز رضوان2024-10-30 21:04
It's possible to get a discount of 20 as well.
خالد علياء2024-05-07 17:39
It seems like the price hasn't crashed that badly.
خالد علياء2024-05-06 15:51
It's been crashing continuously.
عبدالرحمن نور دين2024-05-06 15:40
Cars are getting cheaper, so it's all about buying early to enjoy them sooner. [I want to be alone]