Will this thing be forcibly scrapped after 15 years?
Comments( 3 )
سلمان منتصر2023-10-28 12:00
Now that cities are gradually lifting restrictions on pickups, it's not really logical to force a vehicle costing hundreds of thousands to be scrapped after 15 years. Besides, when the vehicle enters China, it's still uncertain whether it will be categorized as a pickup or a large SUV. Let's consider these issues when it's actually available for purchase.
2 replies
سعود شفيع2023-10-28 11:36
Why is there such unfriendly sentiment towards pickup trucks?
3 replies
نايف أزهر2023-10-22 22:12
Even so, how many cars over 15 years old can you see on the road now? [I want to be alone]