Why is the front of the car designed like this? Isn't there a concern about causing secondary injury to pedestrians?
Comments( 13 )
فايز عبد العزيز2024-09-27 12:23
Are you driving this car just to hit people?
1 replies
عبدالرحمن حكيم2024-09-24 20:47
FSD [smile]
نايف منصور2024-09-14 11:41
Even GWM is more crash-resistant than Volvo. Safety has been tested in real-world scenarios abroad.
سلمان صباح2024-08-18 07:40
You ride your bike every day. Aren't you afraid of hitting someone?
1 replies
فهد هلال2024-08-15 18:06
You've been playing too much GTA, haven't you?
1 replies
عبد العزيز قادر2024-08-15 09:54
I want to buy this car so badly that I'm ready to take out a loan immediately.
أحمد كريم2024-05-28 12:15
Did you get your driver's license to hit pedestrians? [I need some quiet time]
2 replies
أحمد له2024-04-08 19:57
So this car can't be sold according to regulations.
عبدالرحمن رامز2024-04-06 20:13
At low speeds, it won't stall. At high speeds, any car model could stall.
1 replies
خالد ثابت2024-03-01 15:12
Then just buy a Japanese car. The materials are soft, so it's safer for pedestrians. But if you hit something hard, you'll have to deal with it yourself.