عبدالرحمن نبيل
2024-11-06 20:29

I'm about to order a car. How should I choose the color? Any suggestions from you all?

Comments( 15 )

محمد محسن
محمد محسن2024-11-28 17:04
This car must look petty in gray and white.
علي موسى
علي موسى2024-11-28 15:11
Believe in your love at first sight for a color. 😏
عبدالرحمن يوسف
عبدالرحمن يوسف2024-11-22 23:27
Damn, I chose the Extreme Night Black. [I want some peace and quiet]
1 replies
نايف رومي
نايف رومي2024-11-22 21:01
Platinum Grey, Stylish, White can also be Pearl White.
1 replies
علي عباد
علي عباد2024-11-14 10:06
The mature and steady Platinum Steel Gray is great for older individuals, while the Soul Red is vibrant and stylish for young women. If you're unsure about which color to choose, go for white—it's versatile and suits all ages, plus it's the best at hiding dirt. In my city, the streets are constantly being watered, so for its dirt-resistant quality, I chose the Smart White 2.0.
1 replies
حسن مكي
حسن مكي2024-11-13 20:56
I chose white because it's easier to maintain.
حسين لهب
حسين لهب2024-11-13 10:01
Crystal Blue looks great and is suitable for both men and women.
فهد عَبْدُ الْعَزِيز
فهد عَبْدُ الْعَزِيز2024-11-09 11:35
ZEEKR Kinectic Gold
فهد عبد عزيز
فهد عبد عزيز2024-11-07 13:27
Both the Platinum Steel Gray and Crystal Diamond Blue look great, but I chose white.
1 replies
سلمان سعيد
سلمان سعيد2024-11-07 08:34
Except for black, which is uncommon, any other color is fine. After a month of driving, you won't feel much difference. It's just for commuting and keeping out the weather.
1 replies