Is 4L of engine oil enough for maintenance, or do I need to buy 5L?
Comments( 4 )
حسين مستعصم2024-10-20 22:45
Actually, 4 liters is definitely enough.
1 replies
خير الدين سلمان2024-10-19 21:33
Actually, it's enough, it couldn't possibly be insufficient. 😄
2 replies
حسين مستعصم2024-10-19 20:42
4 liters really isn't enough; I buy 5 liters. The original manufacturer offers 5-liter engine oil, but I purchase from another brand. Also, the benefit of having a little leftover oil is that when I feel the oil isn't performing well, I can add the leftover, and it feels much better to drive.
1 replies
عبد العزيز انهايان2024-10-18 01:38
There will be a little left with 4 liters, buying 5 liters would be purely a waste.