What's the difference in fuel consumption between 2WD and 4WD?
Comments( 5 )
أحمد تكريتي2024-04-18 08:53
The fuel consumption for a four-wheel drive is 1 liter more per 100 kilometers compared to a two-wheel drive.
نجيب نايف2024-04-17 19:38
After a comparison by members of the car enthusiasts' group, and after removing the four-wheel drive components, it was found that fuel consumption indeed decreased, averaging around 0.5L less!
مرشد نايف2024-04-13 22:40
Four-wheel drive fuel consumption is high.
نايف عبد لطيف2024-04-12 17:17
There's no difference, just 200 pounds heavier.
خالد تامر2024-04-12 15:14
Is 3 liters of fuel consumption considered high or not?