The old 6AT with a 95 isn't very fuel-efficient on the highway. At a cruising speed of 120 km/h, the fuel consumption can reach 11L. What's going on...
Comments( 12 )
حسين هاشم2024-06-11 08:53
I have a 2019 four-wheel-drive luxury model. It gets 11 liters per 100km on the highway and my wife gets it up to 14 liters per 100km in the city.
فهد تكريتي2024-06-06 13:02
The 2019 model with a 2.0T engine and 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel consumption of 8.9 to 9 liters per 100 kilometers at speeds between 100 and 120 km/h. That's quite fuel-efficient. [thumbs up][thumbs up][thumbs up]
سلمان اميره2024-06-04 22:42
The 8-speed automatic transmission is relatively more fuel-efficient.
محمد دين2024-05-31 16:03
My car is also a 2017 model Zhi Tuo. On the highway, it never goes below 12 liters, and in the city, it’s around 12 to 13 liters. I overtake whenever there's a safe gap, usually driving between 100 to 130 km/h.
عبدالله فواز2024-03-20 21:54
My 2017 2WD Zhitu gets about 8.6L/100km on the highway cruising at 120 km/h. I often accelerate quickly, and when driving at around 130-140 km/h, it goes up to about 10L/100km. In the city, it goes over 16L/100km because it's pretty congested and I usually drive short trips under 5 km.
عبد العزيز عوادة2024-03-20 12:43
When driving at high speed, like 120 km/h, the fuel consumption is indeed around 11 liters, which isn't economical. If you drive at 100-110 km/h, you can get it below 10 liters.
حسن نظيف2024-02-26 16:42
2021 High-speed 8-11 [I Want to Be Quiet]
1 replies
نايف جليل2024-02-24 23:26
The fuel consumption of cranes is generally not low.
خالد زاهر2024-02-22 16:25
Model 2021, currently 30,000 km. At a speed of 120 km/h, the RPM is 2200, with fuel consumption between 10.5 and 11.5.
5 replies
محمد باسم2024-02-17 15:44
My fuel consumption on the highway is also just over 10 liters. If you don't drive too fast, around 100 km/h, it can be below 10.