The Changan 95 is actually a pretty good car. It looks great and meets all my requirements. So why doesn't it sell well? It's making me hesitant to buy.
Comments( 5 )
عمر بوتفليقة2024-11-15 15:14
The official announcement regarding the suspension of sales hasn't been released yet.
سعود مجدي2024-11-14 18:48
Compare cars in the same price range. They've all dropped to the 150,000 range. This one hasn't reduced its price at all. It's like they don't care about this car. Who knows, it might even be discontinued one day.
مرشد نايف2024-11-11 17:33
Just go ahead and buy it, but I suggest getting a stock car from a dealer. The price is much lower than buying from a 4S dealership, and the quality is no different from what you'd get at a 4S shop.