أحمد نور دين
2024-12-02 16:20
Is it worth buying the Changan CS35 Plus? I've read online that it has a lot of issues.
Comments( 6 )
عبدالله كلثوم2024-12-05 16:42
Personally, I feel like it was a gamble. Anyway, the car I bought has quite a few minor issues. Really annoying.
1 replies
عبد العزيز عباد2024-12-05 00:40
It's more cost-effective to choose the 55p.
عبدالله أمين2024-12-04 22:15
I've heard that the noise is too loud, but how loud is considered too loud?

سعيد حسن2024-12-04 18:59
There are some small issues, but it doesn't affect much. No car can achieve 100% satisfaction.
عمر رمضان2024-12-04 18:30
Every car has its issues; it's just about choosing which ones you're willing to accept.
حسن اسماعيل2024-12-02 18:11
I heard that you can't buy anything.