I've had my 2021 Jeep Compass for three years now. Last year, it was parked for half a month during the New Year, and the battery died, so I replaced it. In March this year, it was parked for over 10 days, and the battery was dead again. I replaced it with a new battery, and in May this year, after being parked for 9 days, the battery died again. What's going on?
Comments( 4 )
خالد ميمون2024-09-07 09:02
Two possible reasons: one is that you have replaced it with a fake battery, and the other is that there might be a device in the car that is draining the battery, so check for any power theft or leakage. If the alternator has a problem, the car won't run at all.
عبدالرحمن طموح2024-07-17 00:15
My battery has been normal for 3 years. Maybe you're not using the car properly, or there might be an issue with your car.
محمد جليل2024-07-15 13:19
It might be an issue with the alternator.
حسين فؤاد2024-07-04 22:38
You must replace the battery with one that has the same specifications as the original. Also, if the battery is dead, shouldn't you check the alternator as well?