حسن كم
2024-05-27 18:04
Hello everyone, I recently got a 2020 Jeep Compass 1.3T. Can anyone tell me how to turn on the daytime running lights?
Comments( 5 )
عمر خديجة2024-07-22 23:21
It automatically lights up when you shift to D or R gear.
أحمد سا مرعي2024-06-07 15:58
Shift to D and the light comes on automatically.
عبدالله سا مرعي2024-06-03 19:44
It only lights up when you shift into drive.
حسين فؤاد2024-05-28 06:26
If it doesn't open at night, but doesn't open during the day either, it's either a settings issue or the bulb is burned out.
حسن كم2024-05-27 18:05
No response when selecting the daytime running lights on the central control.
4 replies