عبدالله زكريا
2024-12-05 11:48
Will the 2024 OTA update still be available?
Comments( 4 )
حسين منذر2024-12-05 18:16
It might be pushed before the end of the year, but if there are any unexpected issues, it will be next year.
حسن عل2024-12-05 17:35
The tentative release is on the 18th. If there are no other bugs, then it's the 18th.
حسين يزيد2024-12-05 13:06
Some say it will be released on the 12th, but it's not confirmed yet.
عبد العزيز يزيد2024-12-05 11:54
No news at all, useless Leapmotor.