As a Gen Z individual who isn't married and has a stable income of 8000 per month, what kind of car would be suitable?
Comments( 6 )
عبدالرحمن أبو بكر2024-12-02 17:37
Seagull, Geely Galaxy
علي عبد الناصر2024-12-01 16:43
Leapmotor C10
سلمان بوتفليقة2024-12-01 16:34
I got the C11 for just 6000, and it's my second car. I sold my first car before it reached 6 years, and I still have some spare money to invest in stocks.
أشرف فهد2024-11-29 19:34
Buy a tractor to drive around.
فهد قنصوح2024-11-29 16:14
As long as you're bold enough, you can even ride a Maybach.
هلال حسين2024-11-29 15:32
If you want to stay single, a Porsche or Ferrari sports car is perfect for you. But if you're planning to get married, maybe consider buying a bicycle instead. [I want to be alone]