The tire pressure at 215 shows an alert... How can I clear this false alarm, fellow car experts?
Comments( 6 )
زيد نايف2024-11-10 21:30
The low-pressure alarm will trigger if the pressure falls below 220. During the autumn and winter, make sure to pay attention to inflation due to the drop in temperature.
2 replies
حسن عرفات2024-11-09 08:30
Yesterday morning, when the temperature was around 17-18 degrees, my car showed low tire pressure. But after sitting in the sun for a while around noon, the warning went away. [I need some peace]
محملة نايف2024-11-09 07:59
Even the 215 gives false alarms sometimes. [I need some peace][I need some peace]
2 replies
عبد العزيز صالح2024-11-08 22:31
215 is too low. Keep it at least 230.
1 replies
سعود زياد2024-11-08 20:24
Refuel! The alert will disappear only after driving 2 km.