The discontinuation was determined by cost and sales. However, being able to choose this car at the time was really lucky.
2 replies
سلمان رأس2024-11-06 19:15
It would be better to introduce the Yaris series. 😄
نايف بشر2024-11-04 17:08
I spent a long time choosing the CHR online in the first half of the year. By the time I was ready to buy in the second half, it was discontinued. I ended up buying the similarly sized Lynk & Co 06.
أحمد أكرم2024-11-04 12:28
Stop and enjoy, let your personality shine through! [I want some peace] [I want some peace]
عبد العزيز يعقوبي2024-11-03 19:57
It's too niche, mainly because the space doesn't meet most people's preferences. With low sales, operations will likely run at a loss.
عبدالرحمن ضياء2024-11-01 16:12
The new generation model is already being sold abroad, developed in Europe. The Asia-Pacific region isn't very receptive to models at this price point, so it won't be introduced here.
حسن خليف2024-10-31 18:40
This car isn't suitable for family use; it's more for one or two people. The space is small, and the price is high.
سعود بدر2024-10-29 19:46
Chinese people often prefer larger cars, even if the handling isn't great or the build quality is poor, as long as it gives them face. That's why the Toyota Corolla Cross sells well.
حسين نعمان2024-10-29 19:45
Ask the moderator, the moderator knows a lot.
محمد طه2024-10-29 18:54
Why do cars have so many problems now? The 2018-2020 models didn't have as many issues.