I always hear a noise when scraping, and then I change it.
عبدالله عبد لطيف2024-10-24 00:10
If it doesn't clean properly, just replace it.
علي عباد2024-10-23 22:21
Replace the weatherstripping separately.
سلمان وحيد2024-10-23 19:16
I usually buy two pairs for 39.9 and replace them casually every few months.
عبد العزيز صالح2024-10-23 17:28
If it doesn't clean properly, just replace it. Poor quality ones last about three months, while good quality ones can last over a year.
فهد زبير2024-10-23 14:27
I haven't changed it for 3 years.
حسين أبو بكر2024-10-23 13:06
There is no set replacement cycle for wiper blades. Generally, if the blades are worn out and leave streaks, it's time to replace them, and they're not expensive. If it's just leaving a film on the glass, you might want to consider removing the oil film first.