How often should I replace my car tires? Mine have been used for five years.
Comments( 5 )
علي عباد2024-11-08 07:26
If you have money, just go for it. If not, just see how you feel.
خالد جلال الدين2024-11-07 22:50
I've already switched to Pirelli P8 SUV, but the grip and noise reduction aren't as good as the original ones.
حسين أبو بكر2024-11-07 11:44
If there are signs of aging, it's better to replace them for safety. I've driven 50,000 kilometers in four and a half years, and the front tires aren't doing too well. I'm planning to change them soon.
عبد العزيز صالح2024-11-06 18:25
Are there any noticeable aging cracks? If not, you can use it for another year or two. Assuming about 20,000 kilometers per year, that's reasonable.
سعود بدر2024-11-06 15:54
It depends on the condition of the tires. In five years, they might have covered 500,000 kilometers or just 5,000 kilometers. 😊