سعود شخبوط
2024-10-16 20:40
Hello everyone, has anyone experienced noticeable shaking when the car is in D mode with auto-hold on? It doesn't happen in N or P mode.
Comments( 7 )
عبد العزيز غازي2024-11-05 21:47
Didn't you go to the dealership to replace the engine mount?
1 replies
عبدالله بهاء الدين2024-10-20 09:23
I've driven nearly 60,000 kilometers and haven't experienced this issue.
سعود ابيض2024-10-17 10:25
The RPM dropped, so I switched to a better quality oil. After I stopped using the 4S shop oil, I hardly experienced this issue anymore. Now, even when I park in D gear and the RPM drops to 500-600, it doesn't shake.
2 replies
حسين زكريا2024-10-17 08:20
Change the fuel quality by switching to a different gas station.
1 replies
عبد العزيز صالح2024-10-16 22:20
Check if the throttle body is dirty.
1 replies
نايف أرسلان2024-10-16 22:16
I've been driving my CHR for 6 months and haven't experienced this issue. However, with my previous car, a Lancer from 2012, I encountered it twice. The problem was that when in D gear and applying the brakes, the engine would shake, and the tachometer needle would fluctuate. Switching to N or P gear would make it normal again. The solution was to change the spark plugs and clean the throttle body. A friend told me that just cleaning the throttle body might be enough, but I haven't tried that. The first time it happened, the mechanic suggested doing both. The second time, I noticed the spark plugs were due for a change, so I did both together. 😁 Of course, different car brands and environments might lead to different issues, so this is just for your reference.
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سعود بدر2024-10-16 20:54
Sometimes it shakes a lot, sometimes it's okay. I've heard that all three-cylinder engines shake more, so I feel a bit more balanced about it. [I want some peace]
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