Has anyone changed the transmission oil? How's the effect? The 4S shop recommends changing it at 50,000 kilometers. I'm considering it. Some people say it's not good after changing, so I'm a bit conflicted.
Comments( 5 )
أحمد زيد دين2024-11-01 21:37
Changed at 82,000 km, didn't notice a significant difference. It seems like the jerking during low-speed driving is less noticeable now. Got it changed at the 4S shop, used genuine transmission oil, cost 304, and labor fee was 150.
علي إلياس2024-11-01 12:41
Refer to the maintenance manual and follow it.
سعود زياد2024-11-01 10:19
Don't change the transmission oil lightly!
علي عباد2024-11-01 08:39
The gear shifting is quite smooth now, and the low-speed downshifting jerk is gone. Check the specific prices at the dealership and compare them with JD and Tuhu to avoid getting ripped off.
حسين أبو بكر2024-10-31 20:38
I’ve reached 50,000, didn’t change it. Just follow the manual, probably don’t need to change it.