خالد حميد
2024-03-15 14:00
The salesperson said that the BRZ STI version will be introduced in the second half of the year. Is this information reliable?
Comments( 4 )
حسين جعفر2024-03-18 19:23
I hope the TS version is two to three thousand more expensive than the regular one. 🌹
1 replies
عبدالله فخر دين2024-03-18 14:11
I wonder if it's the same model as the one at last year's exhibition.
1 replies
خالد حميد2024-03-18 08:18
It should be the STI package version. Regular + package.
1 replies
عبدالرحمن زياد2024-03-15 18:42
Forget about the STI, even the TS is unlikely. Go for the regular version.
4 replies