Will the Avalon be updated next year? I'm worried if I buy the 2024 model, it will be replaced soon.
Comments( 14 )
عبدالرحمن حكيم2024-12-03 03:15
The design might only get worse with the next generation because it's already at its peak in terms of looks. [Grinning]
نايف جعفري2024-12-02 12:01
Next year will likely see only minor updates, and a full model change will probably take about four years. ^ ^
حسن حميد2024-12-02 11:56
There will be new cars from other brands next year [I want some peace and quiet]
خالد خالد2024-12-02 11:39
Didn't it just get a facelift? How could it have another one so soon?
مجدي عبد العزيز2024-12-02 11:27
If you don't buy it, you don't have to worry about model updates.
حسن لحود2024-10-23 08:54
It's said to be like that. But with this mindset, you'll regret it no matter when you buy. Even in 25 years, it will still have a new generation. If you like it, just go for it and don't overthink.
نايف طل2024-10-22 22:10
Model changeover
عبدالله حاتم2024-10-22 21:58
Buy a discontinued model, and it will always be the latest version [grin].
حسن علي2024-10-22 21:51
There's nothing to change about it. The current model looks great.
علي عبد المجيد2024-10-22 17:52
The Avalon is getting a major redesign next year, with both the exterior and interior completely revamped.