In the 2024 Avalon, avoid using driver assistance in heavy rain. It might lose track of the lanes and cause the car to sway on the highway, which feels very dangerous. When I exited the highway and the rain lightened, I turned on the driver assistance, but it hit the wheel hub, which was terrifying. Try not to use it in the rain!!!
Comments( 4 )
عبدالله حاتم2024-12-03 13:43
It's been over a year, and I've only used the highway assist a handful of times. [I need some peace]
حازم عبدالرحمن2024-12-03 10:01
Your idea is very dangerous. This car only has basic Level 2 driver assistance, which means the driver needs to be in control the whole time. Keeping your hands on the steering wheel will prevent the problem you mentioned. If you boldly rely on the car to control the steering, especially in rainy or snowy weather, things could go wrong quickly.
1 replies
علي أنس2024-11-30 22:23
I never use that thing any day. [Laughing and crying emoji]
حسين مكتوم2024-11-30 10:16
In the first subject, it is pointed out that when encountering heavy rain, you should slow down and, if necessary, pull over and turn on the hazard lights. This indicates that heavy rain has a significant impact on people, yet you still choose to trust machines [I need some peace].