I've been torn between the Avalon Hybrid and the purely gasoline version. The advantage of the hybrid is fuel efficiency. What about its drawbacks?
Comments( 12 )
علي فؤاد2024-12-05 07:29
Consider a 2.0L pure gasoline vehicle without a particulate filter from Hebei, or perhaps another car.
عمر نبراس2024-12-05 07:07
If you drive over 20,000 kilometers a year, choose a hybrid. If you drive around 10,000 kilometers, go for a petrol engine.
سلمان بشير2024-12-05 01:16
As long as gasoline cars are not discontinued, I will always choose pure gasoline.
فهد حمزة2024-12-04 23:56
My mom feels a bit carsick in my hybrid. Can we arrange a test drive in advance to see how it feels?
عبد العزيز أصغر2024-12-04 14:06
There's nothing to be confused about, just an 8k difference.
حسن لحود2024-12-04 13:22
The downside is that it's expensive by 18,000 RMB.
سلمان عبد الوهاب2024-12-04 13:19
The hybrid isn't as good as expected, the engine engages frequently.
1 replies
عبدالله منتصر2024-12-02 23:18
There's nothing to be confused about. For city driving, go for a hybrid, and for highways, choose a pure fuel vehicle.
1 replies
نايف جعفري2024-12-02 16:57
The main issue is that the price is high, and there's also the problem with the particle filter.
فهد جعفري2024-12-02 14:01
If you've got the money, go for the hybrid—it's not only fuel efficient but also offers a better driving experience than a gasoline-only engine. If you're on a budget, go for the base model; it's a great way to get more for less.