I got the 2024 2.0 Hybrid Luxury model in August or September, and the sound of the horn seems off. I went to the 4S shop and tested the same model, and they all sounded like that. Does anyone else have issues with their car horn?
Comments( 17 )
سلمان بشير2024-12-05 01:29
Mine also happens occasionally.
محمد عمرو2024-12-03 20:09
Sounds like a donkey's bray [I want to be alone]
نايف إلياس2024-12-02 15:44
Same here, the tone just sounds off [I need some peace]
خالد زيد دين2024-12-02 15:15
The same sound as yours. It's definitely not an isolated case. It must be a defect from the factory.
خالد زيد دين2024-12-02 15:14
The 2.0 Premium Hybrid is the same. It depends on my mood. The horn sounds like it’s broken, with no high pitch. I'm afraid to honk it in the street in case people laugh at me. [I want to be alone]
عبدالرحمن بشار2024-12-01 22:26
Me too. My voice was gone in the morning. It got better by noon. [I want some peace][I want some peace]
محمد فريد2024-12-01 12:53
In the morning, the sound breaks when it's cold, but it's fine when the weather is warmer. Mine's the same, currently claiming warranty...