Hello fellow car enthusiasts, has anyone installed a HUD protector yet? I noticed the protector glass is set pretty deep. Would installing it too close cause wear on the HUD screen? How deep is the HUD screen from the dashboard surface? I want to buy it but I'm hesitant!
Comments( 4 )
حسين مكتوم2024-12-05 09:14
It's best not to install it; having ghosting in the projection would be problematic.
نايف علي2024-12-05 08:57
Installing this is completely useless, and it even obstructs the view, creating a safety hazard.
علي صعدة2024-12-05 08:23
Why spend that unnecessary money?
عبد العزيز مروان2024-12-04 23:37
No need to buy it. What's the use? It's just for blocking dust.