نصر عبد العزيز
2024-11-29 21:28

Hello fellow Chery Arrizo 5 manual drivers, I'm a newbie. Sometimes when driving, I get nervous and press the accelerator instead of the brake. My instructor said to press the brake straight and the accelerator at an angle. But sometimes, when I'm nervous, I mistakenly press the accelerator instead of the brake, which is really dangerous. Do you have any good tips? Or am I just not skilled enough yet? I've only had my car for a month and have already pressed the accelerator instead of the brake twice. Do you have any good advice? Please share, okay?

Comments( 13 )

عمر صعب
عمر صعب2024-12-02 21:13
Keep bumping, and you'll get used to it.
1 replies
نايف كامل
نايف كامل2024-12-02 09:56
Use your heel as a pivot while driving. When you don't need to accelerate, rest your foot on the brake pedal. The more you drive, the more skilled you'll become.
1 replies
يونس سعود
يونس سعود2024-12-02 00:05
I've been thinking about buying an A5 recently. I've had my driver's license for a few years but haven't driven much. [I want to be alone]
4 replies
عبد العزيز فخريل دين
عبد العزيز فخريل دين2024-12-01 23:10
Repetitive practice helps form muscle memory.
1 replies
علي عبد له
علي عبد له2024-12-01 22:50
When you're nervous, just step on the clutch together.
2 replies
سلمان قنصوح
سلمان قنصوح2024-12-01 13:16
I am also a beginner, and I just silently encourage myself. If others can do it, I can too. There's nothing to be nervous about. I just keep reminding myself of this. I got my driver's license on June 1st last year, but I hadn't driven a car. Recently, I bought a second-hand Arrizo 5 and mustered up the courage to drive it home. A few days ago, I gathered the courage again and drove directly onto the highway.
1 replies
سلمان علياء
سلمان علياء2024-12-01 07:49
Don't worry, it's just like riding a motorcycle or an electric bike on the road.
1 replies
زياد عبدالله
زياد عبدالله2024-12-01 06:29
Then you can only drive at noon! [I want to be alone]
سلمان فاروق
سلمان فاروق2024-12-01 06:26
Drive more and you'll get used to it. Just keep your attention focused when driving. Even if you floor the accelerator in this car, the acceleration is really slow, giving you plenty of time to react.
1 replies
سعود سا مرعي
سعود سا مرعي2024-12-01 03:59
Don't start the engine! Practice more in the cabin! Use mental cues! You'll get better with practice. 👌
1 replies