My Arrizo 3 makes a loud squeaking noise when I turn the steering wheel all the way. At first, I thought it was the power steering pump, so I replaced it, but the noise is still there. When the car is cold, the steering feels jerky, as if the oil line is frozen. Does anyone have a solution? Thanks a lot!!
Comments( 7 )
سعود عباد2021-10-07 20:12
They told me the power steering pump was broken when I went for repairs, haven't replaced it yet [facepalm][facepalm].
عبد العزيز فواز2021-03-27 08:20
The accessory belt isn't working well, same with mine. Just replaced it and it was fine.
نايف حرب2021-03-22 05:22
The same goes for not hitting the end.
محمد ميمون2021-03-20 22:24
The steering belt is loose, just need to tighten it up. My car had the same issue.
عبد العزيز فواز2021-01-07 03:00
The power steering belt is not working. Mine was the same, and after I replaced the power steering belt, it was fine.
1 replies
محمد سليم2020-11-09 12:47
Check if the CV boot has any cracks.
1 replies
حسن رياض2020-11-06 11:52
That's normal, I feel the same way, especially when it's cold.