عبد الوهاب حسين
2025-02-20 13:50

anyone changed Nissan sunny tire recently tell me the how are prices

Comments( 2 )

طموح فهد
طموح فهد2025-02-28 17:38
The Sunny’s tires are reasonably priced compared to other cars because they come in 15 or 16-inch sizes, which are widely available. Prices start from 800 to 1,500 EGP per tire, depending on the brand.
بدر الدين علي
بدر الدين علي2025-02-28 17:38
I replaced my tires recently and got a mid-range brand—not too cheap or expensive—for about 1,200 EGP per tire, and its performance was great on bumps and long trips.