When driving at speeds between 50 to 70 km/h, should I use fourth gear or fifth gear? I've just got my license.
Comments( 20 )
نايف انهايان2024-09-03 14:08
In second gear I reach 80, third gear 120, fourth gear 150, and fifth gear 140. [I need some quiet time] With an A6, the acceleration is impressively fast!
بشار علي2024-06-12 21:39
Floor the accelerator, if second gear doesn't work, shift to third gear.
فهد ابراهيم2024-06-11 10:34
I usually stay in 4th gear at 60 to 70 km/h. At 50 km/h, I switch to 3rd gear.
حسن هادي2022-05-10 16:50
حسين اشرف2022-04-04 16:05
علي ميرزا2022-03-23 21:09
Shift at will.
نايف محمود2022-03-21 15:24
Shift to 5th gear at 60 km/h or when the RPM reaches 2500.
عمر أمينة2022-03-06 19:41
4-speed robust
1 replies
فادي عبدالله2022-03-05 21:33
I initially came to tell you, but after reading other comments, I don't know anymore either [facepalm].