سلمان سعود
2024-03-19 21:15

Hey guys, my 2014 Alto's coolant temperature doesn't go above 80 degrees. Is this normal? Should I replace the thermostat? Which one is better, the original or from Tenpu?

Comments( 3 )

سعود بشر
سعود بشر2024-04-17 11:39
You can buy Tianbo online and replace it yourself.
3 replies
أحمد إدريسي
أحمد إدريسي2024-04-17 09:59
The thermostat for the new Alto is easy to install. Just buy a Tianbo one for 15 yuan! Installation is simple, and the thermostat comes with its own gasket, so you don't need to use sealant!
1 replies
عبدالله مكرم
عبدالله مكرم2024-03-19 21:41
That's fine, change the coolant as well.