عمر ميرزا
2022-10-21 19:10

Any Alto owners here ever pushed their car to a speed of 170 km/h?

Comments( 18 )

علي وسيم
علي وسيم2024-11-27 19:47
When driving manually at around 120, the steering wheel feels unsteady, so I didn't dare to accelerate further.
نايف انهايان
نايف انهايان2024-09-03 14:14
My manual transmission doesn't seem to be shifting correctly. In 2nd gear, it goes 80, in 3rd gear 120, and in 4th gear 150. But in 5th gear, it doesn't seem to go as fast as in 4th gear. 😬
خالد لطيف
خالد لطيف2024-05-05 14:01
How is that possible? It's stable at 120 km/h, and the design speed is only 150 km/h.
سعود حريري
سعود حريري2024-05-02 11:21
170 km/h is really its top speed, don't ask me how I know. [I want to be alone] [I want to be alone]
أحمد هارون
أحمد هارون2023-05-27 00:11
Five people have driven over 150.
علي منصور
علي منصور2023-05-16 19:44
It can reach 170, but the GPS shows 164.6.
عبدالله بكران
عبدالله بكران2023-05-16 14:21
During the May Day holiday, I drove over 130 km/h. Make sure not to occupy the overtaking lane on the highway. A speed of 90-100 km/h is more economical and safe, especially since the car is quite small. [I want to be alone]
حرب محمد
حرب محمد2023-05-12 23:57
Manual, driven over 160.
نايف كريم
نايف كريم2023-04-15 21:48
It starts to float above 120, let alone 170.
2 replies
نايف صباح
نايف صباح2023-04-15 07:13
Automatic transmission, reaching 140! The accelerator isn't fully pressed.